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Phyllis Haskell Tims


You and Abby did a wonderful job with this interview. It captures her essence beautifully. Her wisdom, openness, curiosity, generosity, and warmth are all present in these words. She is a miraculous teacher and human!

Kristi Brubaker Burns

Abby and Anne were such influences on my life. Thank you for recording their philosophy.

Tracey Fischer

Thank you Jill and Abby! I feel so blessed to have been in those rooms at that time in my life, with all of those students and teachers. I can almost smell the sweat and adrenaline remembering the anticipation of Abby's eagle eyes and her colossal combinations. I have so much respect for her.

Beth Corning

lovely article.
Lovely ladies.

Sondra Fraleigh

I especially appreciate that you credit your mentors, Jill and Abby, for the were mine also - Elizabeth Hays was still teaching when I was studying dance at the University of Utah. I believe she set me on my path of writing about dance, and Joan and Shirley gave me a career path full of opportunity in art through practice and theory. Thank you for your blog. Sondra Fraleigh

Jon Scoville

Great interview with an even greater person. It was always a pleasure to accompany Abby's classes and witness her mastery of the art and craft of teaching and her commitment to her students. They adored her not only because she always wore her heart on her sleeve . . . or her leotard . . . but also because she spoke to them passionately about what it means to be both a carefully focused dancer and a wide open human being.

Sarah-Lu Baker

This takes me back and I can hear her voice, the way that she would say these words. Beautiful. Captures a lot for me.

Laura (Bradley) Bodt

Thank you, Jill!
Abby, you are truly an inspiration and continue to be for me. Just reading your eloquent thoughts about dance and teaching takes me back right back to the truly magical time of being one of your students. This motivates me to make more time for dance (a much needed time for my self after taking care of my little kiddos). I will get myself to class and thank you for it! Sending my gratitude and best wishes your way! Love, Laura (Bradley) Bodt

Wendy Thompson

ABBY, Your movement combinations, luscious, spacious, deep and wide, stay with me still today like a prayer.
Wendy Thompson MFA'91

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