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Phyllis Haskell Tims

What an absolutely glorious post!!! Even though I have known Joan for over 45 years, I still was given insights into her life and artistry. It captures perfectly the experience of so many dancers of our generation...a legacy that has brought us to where we are today. Thank you so much for this shimmering love story to dance.

Donna White

Joan, what an amazing artist, educator, person, and iconic figure you are! What a life you have had and you are still going strong, planning new projects, teaching inspirational classes, and living life fully as if there was no tomorrow. I loved reading every word of this memoir and consider it an honor to have lived some of those moments with you and the other incredible dancers with whom we've shared a truly glorious era in the dance of life.

Tammy Metz Starr

Magnifique, Joan! Magnifique!

Gregg Lizenbery

My dear, you are still such a magnificent spokesperson for Dance. Your passion for movement seeps into every phrase you write. You were one of the people who convinced me I should dance and for that I wil ever be grateful. Your commitment to Terpsichore has mesmerized several generations of dancers. We love you and continually try to inspire the next generation of dancers (even if they're rollin' on the floor...) of what a magnificent opportunity it is to have dance in your life. Many thanks....

Juan Carlos Claudio

Wow! I am so proud and inspired to continue to follow your steps. I am so thankful to call you my second mom. I am un doubtfully thankful. Great post.

Sondra Fraleiigh

My influential teachers still haunt and Illuminate my dreams. Joan you are there and in my heart. Thanks for all you have given me, including your recommendation to study with Mary Wigman on a Fulbright. Sill following in your footsteps, even as mine have differed to include butoh and other. You were the first to encourage my writing, which continues as a passion now.

Pat Debenham

How fortunate I have been to have been in your pathway. I am what I am having spent time with you, Shirley and Dee. This post enlivened me. Made me want to continue dancing, living.

Jill Patterson

Joan, this is a gift. Thank you for sharing your story! It was such a joy to read; I could imagine you speaking every word. The dance community is so fortunate to have you as its champion, and I feel fortunate beyond measure to have shared the space with you for a short while. I am ever grateful...

Abby Fiat

Oh Joan, what an incredible post! My heart burst open when I read it. You are the quintessential dance artist, teacher, choreographer, and mentor. You have impacted the lives of so many people over the years, including mine. You have mentored, encouraged, motivated, and inspired me, for which I am forever grateful. Thank you for your deep legacy!

Eric Nielsen

Joan is allowing me to share this with students and colleagues. It is so inspirational. All these decades I have known Joan, I really found out the gaps that I had that I failed to realize in her marvelous career. Makes going into retiring much more joyful, for I know the
skills she gave me in dance and in living life to its fullest will continue on a whole different journey in my future pursuits. Bless you Joan for all that you have given us!

David E. Blood

How inspiring to read your story. Perhaps I can add my perspective as someone who studied for two years at the U of U and got my MFA with you as my advisor. You have an amazing understanding of what dance is or should be. But you can also read your students and reach out in kindness to keep them on track. Your guiding hand planted the seed of dance in my heart allowing me to continue on this wonderful journey called life with movement as my northern star. I have transitioned from modern and ballet performer to Lindy Hopper and ballroom dancer but I’ve never stopped moving. As head of the dance department at City College of San Francisco I am in my 24th year teaching there full time. Thank you for the seed and love for without it I might be selling used cars.
David Blood

Jeanine Thompson

Joan, What inspiring writing! Thank you! I learned many specific details about your life that make me better understand the strength and focus of your work as artist and human being. Near the end, where you speak of the need for silence, it reminds me of several things I also learned from my many years of working with Marcel Marceau - that mime is about the weight of the soul, suspended in time, allowing silence and stillness to universally speak the truth of a moment and an entire work. I am so grateful for the shoulders on which I stand, and I am so thankful for growing up in SLC and dancing with Virginia Tanner and the many great teachers at the U of U - including you! You continue to provide an excellent example to all of us for how to MOVE forward in our lives as artists and human beings. Sincerely, Jeanine Thompson

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