One of my favorite posts each year is this one - a list of books on dance, arts education, arts administration, and somatics. Please add a Comment if there are titles missing here. I am always on the lookout, and got to read many of the titles below throughout the year.
As much as I could, the hyperlinks here go to or to a publisher.
I hope you find a title or two you want to explore in the new year!
- Antiracism in Ballet Teaching, edited by Kate Mattingly and Iyun Ashani Harrison
- The Art of Dance Composition: Writing the Body by Jenifer Davies
- The Boy from Kyiv: Alexei Ratmansky’s Life in Ballet by Marina Harss
- Capoeira Connections by Katya Wesolowski (through open access, this book can be enjoyed online free of charge)
- The Color of Dance: A Celebration of Diversity and Inclusion in the World of Ballet by TaKiyah Wallace-McMillian
- Dance Works: Stories of Creative Collaboration by Allison Orr
- Dancing and Belonging: Implicit Bias and Inclusion in Dance Education by Crystal U. Davis
- Dance and Ethics: Moving Dance and Ethics: Moving Towards a More Humane Dance Culture by Naomi M. Jackson (this is a 2022 title, but missed listing it last year)
- Dancing Indigenous Worlds: Choreographies of Relation by Jacqueline Shea Murphy
- Don’t Think, Dear: On Loving and Leaving Ballet by Alice Robb
- Experimental Dance and the Somatics of Language: Thinking in Micromovement by Megan Nicely
- Making Change: Teaching Artists and Their Role in Shaping a Better World by Eric Booth
- Managing Arts Organizations by David Andrew Snider
- Managing the Arts in Rural Areas by David Andrew Snider
- Milestones in Dance in the USA edited by Elizabeth McPherson
- Misty Copeland by Henry Leutwyler
- Movement at the Still Point by Mark Mann
- The Production Manager’s Toolkit, Second Edition by Cary Gillett and Jay Sheehan
- Roots and Wings: Virginia Tanner's Dance Life and Legacy by Mary-Elizabeth Manley
- Shaping Dance Canons: Criticism, Aesthetics, and Equity by Kate Mattingly
- Somatics in Dance, Ecology, and Ethics: The Flowing Live Present by Sondra Fraleigh
- Somatic Movement Dance Therapy: The Healing Art of Self-regulation and Co-regulation by Amanda Williamson
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New Dance Books in 2022
New Dance Books in 2021