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Jill Randall

I am still abuzz after seeing opening night. Beauty, power, hope, commitment. The three pieces were beautiful chapters unto themselves, but came together as a set with the ensemble of 7 dancing throughout the evening.

Thank you for this incredible offering. I loved the peek into inner worlds.

Yves Chu

Incredibly moving. So many emotions felt in these thoughtful and flawless pieces. I am so honored to have witnessed this— brilliant and beautiful; impressively impactful, dare I say impeccable in its delivery.


I saw the show on opening night and really loved it. I was so impressed by how highly-skilled and technically talented the dancers were, how intricate and muscular the choreography was, and how distinct the three pieces that made up the program were from one another. It seemed like the dancers were really enjoying themselves which was a thrill to watch. I especially loved the second piece—the movement was so specific and athletic, and the commitment from the dancers was incredible. The arc of the piece was unexpected and delightful and took me on a full journey from nostalgic, to reflective, to sexy and fierce, to sweet and tender. Looking forward to seeing whatever comes next from EIGHT/MOVES and Mia Chong!

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